“First World Problems” Massage – Erica Whitman

“First World Problems” Massage – Erica Whitman

Are you suffering from shoulder tension and headaches? Does your forearms and hands hurt? You may be spending too much time texting or too much time on the computer. But don’t worry… you are not alone. This “phenomenon” has been sweeping across North America, known as “first world problems”, leaving hundreds and thousands in its wake! As of now, there is no known vaccination to help. But don’t fret… Adica Massage Clinic is here!

Did you know that you can formulate a massage specifically around your individual needs? Therefore our “first world problems” Massage focuses on those over worked thumb muscles, tight typing forearms, and shoulder and tension built up from staring at a screen all day.

Yes yes, we joke, we kid here at Adica. Sometimes, perspective is a key. But seriously speaking, we live in a world where modern technology becomes our world. And for work, the use of these devices are inevitable. Many postural problems are becoming a major problem of today’s society as we are not physically built to be sitting all day long. That is not the correct mechanics of the human body.

So here are some things to remember:

Stretch! Put a reminder on that fancy cell phone. Take a few min every hour or two and get up to stretch.

– H2O!  If we sit all day our muscles aren’t flushing themselves out well because we are not using them enough. Keep a jug of water at your desk at all times. Set your desktop page to a water bottle or something that reminds you to drink!

–Posture! Bring a yoga ball to sit on at work. Not only helps with posture, although helps strengthen your core muscles. Not digging the ball? Make sure you are ergonomically set up with a good supportive chair.

– Massage! all kidding aside. Get a massage! Whether it be a therapeutic massage, or even a couple’s massage we got you covered! Even for a half an hour focused on neck and pecs can do a world of difference if you are someone stocked at a device all day!

So the next time you suffer from some “first world tension,” have a laugh with us and remember this blog. You work on the first 3, then give us a call and we’ll do the rest 


~Erica Whitman RMT, YI

Brandi Riddoch