Trapezius Muscle – Nicole Gillett

Trapezius Muscle – Nicole Gillett

The trapezius muscle is also known as your trap muscle. It is a diamond-shaped superficial muscle (close to the surface). This muscle causes a lot of problems in almost everyone that comes in for a massage. Everyone usually has some sort of tightness in this muscle that come from everyday things.

One of the main problems is a headache; most people’s headache starts in this muscle due to tension or a trigger point. Although the massage treatment isn’t always the most relaxing treatment to have, it is still very beneficial to get one and you will feel a huge relief right after.


There are 3 sections to this muscle. The upper part is responsible for bringing the shoulders up. The middle fibers are for pulling the shoulder blades together and the lower part is for bringing the shoulder blades downward. Having any muscle imbalances in this muscle can affect your posture and can harm your shoulder health.


Almost anyone can have these imbalances but it can affect some more than the others, like office workers and people who have a physically demanding job.


Be sure to stretch these muscles a few times a day and hold for 30-45 seconds each.

Brandi Riddoch