Can Yoga Help with your Menstrual Cycle?

Can Yoga Help with your Menstrual Cycle?

This one is for the ladies. It’s that time of the month, you feel crampy, moody and maybe even a little nauseous. Even though you wish you could just curl up in bed and forget the world, the show must go on. If you feel as though there isn’t much to help for you to take the pain away, we suggest a great natural way to help relieve those menstrual cramps and feel more energized. Stretching is a known way to help relieve cramps and improve your mood. Although we know how hard it can be to get up and going during this time of the month, a few minutes out of your day to stretch and focus on yourself is going to make a world of difference for you, your physical health and mental health!

Yoga poses for your menstrual cycle:

1. Janu Sirsasana A: Head-To-Knee Forward Bend
This posture brings relief to the lower back and hips, which we all know can become stiff and achy during your period. You can also add a folded blanket beneath the bent knee and rest a bolster over the extended leg to rest your head on.

2. Supta Virasana: Reclined hero
This posture will open the front of the thighs, the uterus, and lower abdomen to assist with pain in the stomach and uterus. You can put blankets or a bolster beneath the back for support or remain sitting if reclining is too much for you.

*This might be a bad option if you have a heavy flow.

3. Ustrasana: Camel 

Like the Hero posture, it will gently open the energy channels running through the front of the body that is associated with our reproductive organs. It brings relief to a belly full of cramps and lower back. It also opens the chest and heart space which helps with anxiety and relaxation.

 Suggestions to help during your menstrual cycle:

1. Cut out the caffeine, as much as we all love coffee, one mug can be really hard on the hormones. We suggest drinking some calming teas or lots of water instead. Water is one of the most natural

2. Be aware when your time of the month is coming, whether you suffer from PMS or not, it is wise to slow down a few days before your period comes.  This also allows you to make sure you have all of your supplies ready.

3. Relax, try and relax as much as possible during that time, why not jump in a bubble bath or if you feel like doing some exercise, go for a relaxing walk in the park instead of doing a full work out at the gym. Just make sure to continue to exercise as this is a great way to help stretch out those pesky tight spots.

I hope these yoga poses and suggestions help you during your menstrual cycle.

Another thing that could help during your menstrual cycle would be a relaxing massage. At Adica Massage Clinic, we offer therapeutic massage, couple’s massage, hot stone massage and more!

Brandi Riddoch