Being a Massage Therapist – Sarah Fischer

Being a Massage Therapist – Sarah Fischer

Why did you become a massage therapist?

Do you enjoy being a massage therapist?

These are two very common questions which I always receive from clients.

Honestly, I really don’t know the answer to the first question, and to fill you with a little secret, I never had a professional massage before going to college. For some reasons, I was just drawn to it and curious about the program, so I went away and 6 years after, here I am, a massage therapist.

Do I enjoy it?

As time passes by, I have received such a great education and still continue it as the years go on. I have learned things about the human body that I had no clue about and I still find myself continually being surprised. As soon as I think I have seen it all, something comes up that gets me thinking and researching.

I love that there are so many aspects to this career and treatments. It can be pretty tricky at times and certain clients really keep you on your toes with conditions or injuries they present, where others are just taking the time to really relax and to remember to breathe.

I have met an amazing amount of people over the last few years starting with fellow students in college, colleagues at various locations that I have worked with, and most of all my clients. For some, even if I had only met them once, they will never know the impression they made or the fact that I will always remember them.

Maybe it was a certain condition or even a fun fact about themselves, but something stuck with me. Not only do I try to educate my clients on proper biomechanics or stretches or other exercises they should be trying to keep up with, but they have educated me as well.

I have learned more than ever that everyone has a story. The fact that you meet a total stranger and they fully put their trust in you and are able to relax still amazes me some times when I think about it. The characters I have met and the stories they have shared with me over the years have been touching, eye opening and more than a good laugh. This profession has lead me on such an incredible journey, that I am nothing but grateful for what I have learned, continue to learn and for the people it has brought into my world if only once, and only for an hour.

If you wish to get a great therapeutic massage by a massage therapist or even a couple’s massage please feel free to give Adica Massage Clinic a call!

Brandi Riddoch