Don’t Forget to Stretch! – Kayla Magee

Don’t Forget to Stretch! - Kayla Magee

Tomorrow it is officially March everyone!

Winter is finally almost over, just a few more weeks.  I know there are a lot of people who have been hitting the gym lately to get in shape for bikini season.  I know I have been doing the same thing since December.

I noticed that I seemed to experience a lot of muscle pain in the first week or two, and my muscles felt very tired after my workout when I went into work.  I knew that it would not last for very long and that I had to persevere through it to keep my health up.  I found that getting massaged regularly really helped reduce the amount of tiredness and pain I was feeling.

Stretching was also a major component that worked wonders.  I still get muscle spasms after a workout if I do not do my stretching.  So many people think that stretching is for “wimps” and they are above it, but it helps your body so much, I never understood how people could make this assumption.

So please if you are hitting the gym trying to get that rocking beach body or just to improve your health, and boost your self-esteem, please do not forget to stretch regularly, stretch during and after every workout.

Massage is also great for flushing out excess lactic acid in your muscles, which is a usual culprit of muscle pain. At Adica Massage Clinic we adapt every appointment to the clients specific needs. We offer therapeutic massage, deep tissue massage, couple’s massage and even pregnancy massage!

Stay healthy everyone!

Brandi Riddoch