Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction – Sarah Fischer

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Dysfunction – Sarah Fischer

TMJ dysfunction or syndrome is very common, and it can range from mild to severe just like most areas of concern or injury. Your temporomandibular joint is located on both sides of your head, just in front and slightly below your ears. This is where your temporal bone and mandible come together. This is a hard working joint surrounded my numerous muscles and ligaments. When this area becomes over worked or a problem arises  it can cause issues in the joint and surrounding tissues. Many symptoms can start in the jaw and be felt into the face, head, and neck. This can be quite painful and become a very tender area. You may notice it becomes difficult and painful to open and close your mouth (speaking, eating, yawning) , can lead to an increase in headaches and may also notice a clicking or popping noise when you chew, especially with more dense and chewier foods. Many things can play a factor in TMJ dysfunction from clenching or grinding your teeth, stress, or a previous injury or disease of the joint.

If you are experiencing jaw pain it is always better to have your jaw examined to find what form of treatment is needed. TMJ dysfunction can be quite manageable, but in some cases specialists, dentists and physiotherapy may be required. Depending on what is causing this problem, it may be resolved and maintained quite easily, or may need to have more in depth treatments and may require a night guard to help with overnight issues such as grinding and clenching of the jaw also known as bruxism.

Massage therapy is great for treating TMJ issues. This will involve specific treatment to the muscles surrounding your TMJ as well as working into the neck, head and face. Really focusing on your muscles of mastication including masseter and temporalis and depending on each person, intraoral massage may be recommended to get to the little muscles that cannot be reached on the outside of the jaw such as your medial and lateral pterygoids. With massage, this can help reduce the tension through your jaw, neck and head also helping to reduce referral pain such as headaches , decrease stress, and improve mobility through the jaw and neck.

Please give Adica Massage Clinic a call and we can book you in for an appointment. We offer multiple types of massages including therapeutic massage, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage and even pregnancy massage.

Brandi Riddoch