New Year – Nicole Gilette

New Year – Nicole Gilette

Happy New Year!!

With the New Year just passing, this is the time of year we start to see a lot of people making new years resolutions. Some people can stick to them but most people don’t make it through the first month after making them.

If you are one of the people that can’t seem to stick with it here is a little something you can try that I find works best for me, every month of the year I write down one thing I want to focus on and I focus on that one thing for the whole month.

You can pick things from going to the gym, spending more time with family or friends, and even deciding you want to take more time for yourself. If you want to make more time for yourself, a good way for that is booking a relaxing massage. And this way if you can make it the whole month it starts to become part of your routine and it becomes really hard to shake it!

It will become easier and less of a chore as the months go on. In the new year small goals are easier and better to stays focused on then a really big one that will just leave you disappointed with yourself at the end if you don’t follow through.

The point of a goal is to feel better about yourself so do what makes you happy. I am going to focus on doing more things with family and friends this year and doing things for my health/mental health like taking the time to get my hair done, or my nails, and also getting a massage when I need to (which is my favorite one.)

So if you want to book a massage, please feel free to give Adica Massage Clinic a call. We have a massage to fit your needs! Including the therapeutic massage, hot stone massage (for those chilly days), and even a 4 handed massage!

Once again, Happy New Year from Adica Massage Clinic!

Brandi Riddoch