Traveling – Kayla Magee

Traveling – Kayla Magee

It’s mid-February and winter feels like it will never end, it just seems like endless snowfall.  For many people, this is the time for vacation, your chance to get away from the cold for a short while.

Many of my clients feel that it is very helpful to book their last massage, before going away, the week prior to leaving.  It helps you get into the mind set of relaxing and vacationing but also helps you release any tension before spending a day or more traveling on planes and sitting in airports for long periods.

A good way to help with any tension or stiffness from traveling is stretching!  A great stretch to do is a simple “ear to shoulder” stretch to stretch the upper trapezius muscles, which runs from the back of your neck down to your shoulders.  It’s simple, simply tilt your head bringing your ear towards your shoulder, you’ll want to keep the shoulder down that you are stretching though, so if you are sitting: either sit on that hand or use your other hand to hold down at your elbow.  If your shoulder lifts up during the stretch, you’ll notice you no longer feel the stretch.

Another issue with traveling is traveler’s edema, which is swelling of the ankles and feet, which can be painful and limit movements. The last thing you want when going away on vacation is being in pain and having a hard time walking or wearing shoes because your feet are too swollen.  Traveler’s edema is caused by prolonged sitting and not moving the legs and feet.  A good way to help combat this is to simply get up and move around taking short walks whenever you can, or simply pointing and flexing the toes while in a seated position if you are unable to get up and walk around.

I hope these little tips help you out. Happy and safe travels everyone.

At Adica Massage Clinic we offer a variety of different massages including: therapeutic massage, hot stone massage, couple’s massage and even pregnancy massage. We have a massage type that is guaranteed to get you relaxed!

Brandi Riddoch