What Are Trigger Points? – Nicole Gillett

What Are Trigger Points? – Nicole Gillett

Trigger points are a very common part of a massage and I’m sure that about 90% of you know what they are when we hit one but some people aren’t aware of what they are and how it’s supposed to feel.

The definition of a trigger point is: it is usually found in a tight muscle. It can be tender on site and has a very predictable pin pattern. As many of you know, these spots can be quite painful when pushed on but there is relief when it is released.

Most commonly trigger points are found in the upper back and neck, but can be found anywhere. With computers being a big part of our life, I see a lot of trigger points around the shoulder blade and the base of the skull. With trigger points around the shoulder blades the referral pattern is usually to the front of the shoulder and at the base of the skull usually goes to the forehead. This area is where a lot of people get their headaches and getting it worked on can help you not get them as often.

Trigger point therapy can be quite painful and don’t forget we can’t tell how much you can handle so be sure you let us know when it is too much. It is very normal to be sore the next day or 2 after getting it done but remember it is normal. Drinking lots of water and ice can help minimize the soreness afterwards.

Adica Massage Clinic can help you with those trigger points with our deep tissue massage or a therapeutic massage.

Brandi Riddoch